Frodo Quixote

Writer * Web Developer * Wandering Hobbit

What kind of writing does a hobbit do?

Short and sweet.



The Wandering Hobbit is a book of poetry that I put together and bound at Kinkos! I distributed it only to my friends and relatives. I customized each book with a personal greeting for each recipient. I did this because I needed to do something with the poetry that I kept writing. And because if you don't write poetry, then why live?

I write poetry out of love or compulsion but I am willing to accept money! Should you have a special occasion or event that needs romance or evokes emotion, I could make the tone special with a rhythmic proclamation. I actually created and read a poem at my father's funeral that made the whole church tear up, including me.


Intro to my poem at my father's funeral.

At each crossroads in life

On my doorstep at home

I sit and I drink

And come up with a poem

I’ve not written many

And some I should burn

But from crossroads and cross words

There is no return

To continue tradition

With tonic and gin

I sat on the doorstep

And it happened again

Limericks for special occasions

I got me a ma from Belfast

Who fell down the stairs but got well fast

The last step on her head

Is what put her in bed

It wasn't the ones that she that she fell past

Shiny Objects

(Interesting Distractions)

My DreamCycle
Look what I built!

An Unexpected Party: Frodo For President

My book of poetry: The Wandering Hobbit

My brother's book: Social Insecurity

My brother's other book: Solitaire: Murder In The Cards

Beautiful custom wine tumblers: Blue Shark Designs

Your own Fiji Surf and Dive vacation home! Waidroka Bay Development