Life is rich. 


Your life is rich. 


Regardless of how it may look or feel to you, your life right now is rich with enough naturally existing elements and deposits for you to live the rest of your life enriched with significance, purpose, meaning and more. And these treasures that currently exist in your life, right now, can be accessed by mining for them. Happiness, purpose, contentment, and joy may be hidden but are waiting for you in various aspects of your life that I reference as ‘the “environments” of your life’. Examples of these “environments” include your Present, Potential, Possibilities, Character, Preparation and Power. Each of these environments are is a rich opportunities opportunity to discover and possess your life’s true treasures. Recognizing your present, your potential, your possibilities, and your preparation as environments (or opportunities) to be mined will help you realize personal success through the process I call Life-Mining. 


To strengthen the analogy of Mining Your LIfe in your mind, let’s first consider the concept communicated by the word “mine”. According to Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, the most appropriate definitions for the purpose of this process is the fifth one listed:


5 a : to dig into for ore or metal b: to process for obtaining a natural constituent

// mine the air for nitrogen c: to seek valuable material in

// mine old records for more details


Merriam-Webster online also defines “mine” the form of a noun as “a rich source of supply”. GOOGLE presents another definition as to “delve into (an abundant source) to extract something of value, especially information or skill”. 


Mine Your Life© presents the process of “life-mining” as the concept of mining for things of value hidden in your life. ​Life-Mining© is a proprietary method to Mine Your Life© and enjoy the treasures in and around you. Though I’ve trademarked the analogy of mining as an ideology, methodology, and process, NONE of these principles are new. In fact, you can find success from the application of these concepts affirmed everywhere. However, taking action with this perspective empowers your efforts with a clear purpose. The goal of all life-mining activity is the production of outcomes, objects, and/or understandings that you immediately appreciate and eventually celebrate. This unique approach to developing and applying life skills as a branded process is the result of mining my own life. Life-mining is designed to exercise your personal power of intention and to cause you to think, act and speak with the expectation of a valuable, dare I say “profitable” result. Why “profitable”? Because the goal is having to gain something worth more than the investment of work it takes to get obtain it. 



Another benefit of Life-Mining is that it works with other personal development methods like the “law of attraction”. However, this process gives your you practical steps of action to facilitate the successful outcomes of other philosophies. 


Life- Mining will always require an exchange because producing the treasures that exist in your unique life experience requires a giving give and take. Life- Mining does not work because you learn about it or even understand it with mastery.  Life- Mining requires and an exchange of intentionality intent, effort [MS1] and personal resources in exchange for valuable outcomes to treasure that can be treasured for a lifetime. Giving of what you have (or have access to) to get the “treasures” you need or desire should be expected and accepted. This process of exchange is important because it is what actually “appreciates” the outcomes of your mining. When I say “appreciate”, I am using it in the sense of “increase in value” and “gratitude”. Recognizing the worth or fully understanding the cost of acquisition add depth and richness to both the mining process and its results. In other words, the exchange required of life mining Life-Mining increases the value of your life’s treasures. The increase of value is two-fold, to first you first to your life treasures, then eventually (if not immediately) to the world around you. Fortunately, gratitude, recognition of worth (valuation), increasing worth, and an enriched understanding of implications are by-products of the Life- Mining Exchange Process.  


The Life-Mining Process


The primary phases (or steps) in the life-mining process are Connection, Communication, Creation, and Celebration.

The primary phases (or steps) in the life-mining process are

1.     Connection: the initial phase of your life-mining process of assessment and excavation

2.     Communication: the step in which you begin to identify, extract and process the elements or raw potential of valuables in your life. 

3.     Creation: refinement process for that which was identified in the communication process. 

4.      Celebration: the outcome of benefit, consumption and sharing[MS2] 


Once you are skilled in the steps of Life -Mining process you can improvise with additional steps or rename these steps to better articulate your understanding of how this process works for you. 


Connection is the initial  phase of your life-mining process of assessment and excavation. Communication is the step in which you begin to identify, extract and process the elements or  raw potential of valuables in your life. 

Creation is the function that is your refinement process for that which was identified in the communication process. 

Celebration is the outcome of benefit, consumption and sharing. [MS3] 


Though Life MIning Life-Mining will benefit ANY LIFE at ANY STAGE or PHASE, it may be MOST enriching to those facing a need to RESTART or an opportunity to re-invent yourself. The reason I am of this opinion is that the benefits Life Mining produce in my own restart. 

 I believe this because I experienced the Life-Mining benefits myself when I dealt with a restart in my own life.

Once upon a time, I had everything. I thought should make me happy but I was miserably tragically unhappy. I had two parents that loved me and sacrificed continually to give me more than they had when they were growing up. I had enjoyed a progressive, upwardly advancing career and I was then an executive pastor of a church that I watched grow from 5 members to impacting the lives of thousands weekly. Beyond services to members and attendees, our ministries touched lives through television and internet broadcast and global influenced others globally through members relocating influence through members relocating around the world through the local military community . into local military communities around the world. And I was considered to be next in line to take the lead.  I had earned a degree after despite being told by my high school counselors that I wasn’t college material and was ‘guided’ to pursue a trade. I owned a three  bedroom, three  bath condo on what some considered the prestigious side of town. I drove a luxury SUV. And last but not least I had a lovely kind, brilliant and beautiful fiancee. My life was full of goodness yet I struggled with feeling  horrible and unworthy bad, always.[MS4]  People liked me but I didn’t like myself. Self-loathing was the underlying motive of everything I had accomplish or acquired. I didn’t want to be miserable but didn’t know how not to be. 


It was more painful than I care to remember. But I can’t forget how I medicated numbed my pain and loneliness with intoxicatingly intoxicating and toxic substances and people. I got lost in a community of users and became one of them at the expense cost of almost everything short of losing my life. 


After losing it all, I struggled to exist. I worked selling used cars, medical devices and waited tables. I tried to rebuild but the foundation I was still working with was one I was still working with a foundation of self-loathing and feelings of worthlessness. No matter what changed, everything was  remained the same. One day someone from my circle of pain came over saying he just wanted to share some new Christian worship music and talk. I said that we couldn’t hang out too late, but somehow it ended in a night of debauchery. Again. I remember sitting at my desk in the used car dealership and asking God for help. 


After a lot of introspection, prayer, and counseling, and fortunately after losing everything I thought I needed to be happy, I found myself happier than I’ve I’d ever been. Left with “nothing”, Nothing nothing, “nothing” made me happier. While successfully mining your life does not require this level of catastrophic loss, this level of loss will not prevent you mining success. 



How to mine the Environment of Your Present - 


To mine your Ppresent you have to must treat your “present moments” as a child does a gift on Christmas. 

Wake up, get up, show up strong to play hard and then “say bye” or in other words move on to the nNext - your Nnext nNow.  These steps are important and effective when applied literally or figuratively. 


The Present is a gift of your past to your now, wrapped in contradiction and complexity. As you mine your Present plan to confront the contradictions and complexities that you find with courage. Every complicated issue and/or contradiction can be a discouraging barrier to the exploration necessary to identify the valuable deposits that various previous experiences have hidden[MS5]  in your Present. 


In keeping with the analogy of mining, the Present is an environment full of resources that can be mined into a life’s treasure. Similar to how a river or mountain may be a source of gold ore that must be found, possessed and processed to realize its highest value.  [MS6] 


To mine your Present apply the 4C verbs of connect, communicate, create and celebrate.[MS7] 


1. Connection

Connecting is the key to Connection = Be present, be aware, be actively interactive. 

Mining the Environment of Your Present is begun by surveying what is in and around you to get an understanding of your present environment. The quality of your future in is determined in each right now moment. What you have now. Where you are now. What you can do now.


It is easy to get so overwhelmed by what you have to do that you don’t decide to do what is best for the “next” that you value and desire. What you value and desire is a treasure hidden among all the stuff you have to do and need to do.


In every present moment, there are reasons to have your mind elsewhere. However, your mind’s focus is always the primary tool for successful Life-mining. In fact, you may pride yourself on your ability to multitask but getting things done is not the same as getting to what you value most. You may feel that you have met the requirement of being present because you have presented your body (physical-self) to a meeting or event. However, to mine the treasure in the present moment you must learn and practice the discipline of Present Awareness. When you want to mine a moment, announce the beginning of that process to yourself by saying “CONNECT”. 


2.  Communicate = Listen and speak to the people, situation or circumstance in the moment. As you connect with what surrounds you in the moment, the awareness that you allow to grow in that moment should inspire your communication verbally as well as your body language. 


Listening and speaking are equally important when they compliement each other. When you listen to speak appropriately the impact and effectiveness of your words is are immeasurably enhanced. The objective of listening in the process of Life-Mmining is to get an accurate understanding of what is presently going on. My mother often quoted the phrase, “Sseek to understand more than to be understood”. And it is this concept that makes listening in the function of Life-Mmining so powerful. 


Courageous communication takes GUTSS (Gratitude, Understanding, Thoughtfulness, Sincerity, and Silence)


3.  Create = Attribute and/or Appreciate Value

You can create value for things in your life by choosing its value. When it comes to your life's treasures, you control their value.  From a casual meeting to a new tradition established with loved ones, you determine if whether they are precious our or are meaningless. 


An old saying “Ccount your blessings” is an approach to valuing the persons, places and things that exist as unrecognized treasures in your life. Another way of saying this is mMake a gratitude list,. tThis is simply a list of what you are greatful grateful for having in life. 


4.  Celebrate = [MS8] Share publicly the final result with a physical representation

Celebrate is the final phase of life mining Life-Mining that resembles having a party. It requires all the intentionality of party planning the same conscious planning as a party, from the from when, where, how (with simplicity or extravagance) , who is invited (solo celebration, intimate or grand), clean up and follow-up thank you messages. 


Your Present 

In keeping with the analogy of mining, the Present is an environment full of resources that can be mined into a life’s treasure. Similar to how a river or mountain may be a source of gold ore that must be found, possessed and processed to realize its highest value.  [MS9] 


To mine your Ppresent apply the 4C verbs of connect, communicate, create and celebrate. However, the way you perform each my differ in other enviroments. When connecting to mine your present your goals are to be aware, be expressive and get understanding. 


Other environments can be mined using the 4Cs, however the 4Cs may differ in the way you perform them in each environment. The environments that we will mine are the following:


·        The environment of your Potential - the good you can get done by doing good

·        The environment of your Possibilities - the choice potential (options) associated with character choice

·        The environment of your Character - personal standard (ethical right and wrong), personal values, personal commitments.  Choices are decisions aligned with your character; otherwise its coercion, seduction or deception. 

·         The environment of your Preparation - practice, 

·        The environment of your Power - doing what you can do to change for the better [MS10] 


In following chapters I will be exploring the techniques of mining these environments using the 4Cs.



Start a CONNECT moment. Assess your present life and identify a valued gem in your life. Something you want to pursue, or excavate, refine and accomplish. Maybe something that you’re good at or liked doing. Something buried in the midst of your present life that you haven’t followed up on or don’t have time for.

Write it down.[MS11] 


The environment of your Potential - the good you can get done by doing good

The environment of your Possibilities - the choice potential (options) associated with character choice,  

The environment of your Character = personal standard (ethical right and wrong), personal values, personal commitments.  Choice = decisions aligned with your character - otherwise its coercion, seduction or deception. 


The environment of your Preparation - practice, 

The environment of your Power - doing what you can do to change for the better [MS12] 


I don’t choose to anchor my identity in addiction so I don’t identify as an addict. I identify as a human person who enjoys food but must choose not to be a glutton, who enjoys buying things but must choose not acquire overwhelming unproductive debt, enjoys a good time but must choose to be sober. I don’t value or perceive a benefit in validating socially manufactured identities. Identity categories manufactured by society seemed to be instruments manipulation designed by the society to define your value and thereby limiting it.  [MS13] 


 [MS1]Other possibilities: purposefulness or purposeful effort or conscious effort?

 [MS2]Suggest replacing the first sentence with this bulleted  version with the definitions from below for concise readability.

 [MS3]Suggest combining this with the bullets above. Less redundancy and better flow.


My life was full of goodness, yet I carried with me everywhere, in the pit of my stomach, a dark heavy weight of unworthiness and misery.


 [MS5]Alternate: buried?

 [MS6]This text moved from below to here.

 [MS7]These paragraphs extracted from the bottom of this theme where they seemed out of place, to here where they flow into 4C definitions.

 [MS8]For continuity of style you should summarize Celebrate in the same way you did with the other 3 phases. (Celebrate = ???)

 [MS9]This text moved up for flow.

 [MS10]Is this the transition to the next chapters? Can we include the added transition statement at the end?

 [MS11]Disregard this if another chapter walks the reader through this in detail. This is my attempt to get the reader to apply the CONNECT concept. You may have better ways to apply the process. I have the urge to apply the principles to my life when reading this and an assignment would make it personal and involved for the reader. Your decision whether to include something like this or not.

 [MS12]This is the original text that is replaced in the text above.

 [MS13]This seems to belong to another chapter that would address your power to choose instead of fall into a societal definition for you.